
Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Living Room Interior Design with Large Book Shelf

Living Room Interior Design with Large Book Shelf

Living Room Interior Design with Large Book Shelf

Hello 2010

Wishing you a delicious and sweet 2010, thank you for all your support, kind words and for giving me so much fun and happiness. Love Kellie xx

From here. x

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Lily & Molly, meet Barclay & Tallulah!!

It is so hot this time of year in Sydney! I was delighted to receive this gorgeous picture from one of my readers, Tanya, who also has two Cavaliers named Barclay and Tallulah. My babies will never see weather like this, don't Barclay and Tallulah look gorgeous in the snow, and what fabulous jackets they are wearing! Kellie xx

Residential Interior Designer Santa Barbara California

Residential Interior Designer Santa Barbara California

Residential Interior Designer Santa Barbara California

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

What's around in my home

Here are some of the things in our home at the moment. My hydrangeas are blooming in so many colours, I have them popping up here and there in whatever vessel I can find. Lovely hand products waiting by my sink, ready for use whenever the need arises. Pretty summer dresses hanging and ready to be worn, ginger jars, favourite books and gorgeous little trinkets here and there. Kellie xx

Modern Living Room Interior Minimalist Design Idea

Modern Living Room Interior Minimalist Design Idea

Modern Living Room Interior Minimalist Design Idea

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Bedroom Inspiration

I have been looking for bed inspiration for a while and I adore the way this bed is styled. I do love the different textures on splashes of colour on the white background. Some of the stuff the to right of the bed isn't my cup of tea although I adore those gorgeous books and fashion inspiration. Just lovely.

First seen here, from here. x

Modern Interior Design of Redmond Street Houses

Modern Interior Design of Redmond Street Houses

Modern Interior Design of Redmond Street Houses

Our funny Molly

Molly makes me laugh. When you look at her and say her name, her head rotates to the side like she is trying intently to understand exactly what you are saying. Too funny. 

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Modern Interior Design Advice

Modern Interior Design Advice

Flowers for a dinner party

We have family coming over tonight for a late Christmas dinner. It's pouring in Sydney so lucky I picked my hydrangeas last night! I always adore fresh flowers, makes me feel happy and that things are in order. Now, just need to get this cooking under control. Kellie xx

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

A pretty little Longchamp...

I thought I would share with you the gorgeous gift from my lovely best friend Kate. It's a limited edition Longchamp bag that was recently released in Australia. Aren't the ballet slippers just gorgeous as is the little smiley button. Kind of a surprising feminine twist to their usual elegant designs. Love it!!! Kellie xx

Red and White Interior Design Idea

Red and White Interior Design Idea

Red and White Interior Design Idea

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Contemporary Modern Kitchen Interior Design

Contemporary Modern Kitchen Interior Design

Contemporary Modern Kitchen Interior Design

Merry Christmas...

Seems Lily is already asleep waiting for Santa. 

Thank you for all your fabulous support. Enjoy your Christmas, have many laughs. I hope all your dreams come true. Love Kellie and her furry friends... xx

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Best buddies

Sorry for all the doggy pics. I can't help it. They are so very cute and spending all day with them makes me love them more! Seems they are starting to love each other lots as well. Kellie xx

Remodeleze Living Room Interior Design Idea

Remodeleze Living Room Interior Design Idea

Remodeleze Living Room Interior Design Idea

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Flowers on my doorstep

My front door was shut to keep the summer heat out, although as I walked up the hallway I could see some colours that were not normally there. I opened the door and was delighted to see a bunch of pretty flowers waiting for me to find them. What a lovely surprise on a Wednesday before Christmas. Kellie xx

Modern Kithen Interior Design by Easykitchenquotes

Modern Kithen Interior Design by Easykitchenquotes

Modern Kithen Interior Design by Easykitchenquotes

My kind of teacup...

I thought you may like to see this...My Pop kept this for me from his Christmas Luncheon at his retirement village the other day. He knew I would adore it and what a fabulous yet simple concept it is!

To make it all you need is....

1. Biscuits
2. Marshmallow
3. Half a mint lifesaver
4. Freckle chocolate
5. Icing mixture to glue it all together.

AND... Wallah! As a tea lover I thought this was absolutely divine. Agree? Kellie xx

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

View at your own risk!

Don't say I didn't warn you about my seriously cute puppy, and my ever adorable girl Lily.

Molly has settled in very well. She is a little piglet with her eating, she finishes hers then want's Lily's too! On day 1 she out battled us 3 times with going to the loo outside, each time we gave up she would come inside and then make a mess. Who would have thought a 13 week puppy could be more stubborn than me! I am pleased to let you all know Molly won those battles but we are winning the war - she is going outside all the time now. Hallelujah!

She make me laugh as she climbs up on Lily's back to get higher. You can tell Lily is thinking - what on earth are you doing!? Kellie xx

Modern Kitchen Interior Desig by Nouvelle

Modern Kitchen Interior Desig by Nouvelle

Modern Kitchen Interior Desig by Nouvelle

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Oh. Finally the day is here.

A pretty way to start a pretty Saturday. Oh and today is the big day, we pick Molly up in  a couple of hours. I feel anxious - I hope she loves us! Kellie xx

Picture from here x

Modern Living Room Interior Design by Tasarim

Modern Living Room Interior Design by Tasarim

Modern Living Room Interior Design by Tasarim

It's not really about a bear!

I received an email that the Christian Louboutin Resort Range was released online. Of course I would have my Louboutin's ready for a lovely day out at the park... Although I think I would take a bear on rather than have them eaten!  Kellie xx


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