
Rabu, 30 September 2009

Modern Interior of Restaurant

Modern Interior of Restaurant

Modern Interior of Restaurant

Beautiful combinations!

What more could I desire other than fabulous interiors with gorgeous colour pallets!?

How about this?

Or this?

Or even this?

Rooms from here and here as well as the fabulous eye shadow from here. x

Selasa, 29 September 2009

Modern Interiors of Apartment

Modern Interiors of Apartment

Modern Interiors of Apartment

Cushions and bedding...

Just a sneak peak... Looking to stock this beautiful range of cushions and bedding for Ada & Darcy. Hope you think feel the range is beautiful too xx. 

Minggu, 27 September 2009

A purchase was made!

I finally made the dress purchase for the wedding coming up in the next few weeks. As I had hoped I found just what I wanted at the Camilla store and in fact I could have purchased all the dresses I tried on. I choose this one below as I could dress it up with a pair of fabulous heels or with a pair of pretty sandals for an afternoon lunch. I partcularily also love the versatility of the neckline. Shame they haven't got a shot of the actual dress on its own that I could show you from the website.

For the first time I think ever I had a sales assistant who was honest and incredibly helpful... Who would have thought!

The wedding is on the 9th of Oct... If I am feeling brave I may post a pic or two of me in it... See how brave I am feeling! xx

Modern Interiors - Shelton Mindel & Associates

Modern Interiors - Shelton Mindel & Associates

Modern Interiors - Shelton Mindel & Associates

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

The perfect Sunday...

Sunday mornings.... I adore sleeping in and pottering around our home. Yeah, I know I am a homebody. xx

Pictures from here. x

Modern House and Interior - MUNGE LEUNG

Modern House and Interior - MUNGE LEUNG

Modern House and Interior - MUNGE LEUNG

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Not my rules...

The sun is shining, spring is most certainly here.... One slight problem - I have a runny nose and sore throat. That is definitely not my rules for spring time! Actually it's not my rules for the weekend either! I am off to to do some shopping tomorrow morning, still need to get that fabulous dress for the wedding coming up in the next few weeks.... x

Gorgeous flowers from here. x

Centro Cultural CajaGranada Interior

Centro Cultural CajaGranada Interior

Centro Cultural CajaGranada Interior

A girl and stripes...

I featured this salon a while back and I just noticed on the fabulous Shannon Fricke's blog some more gorgeous pictures. Don't the flowers work beautifully, not to mention those divine Edit chairs.... A girl can never have too many stripes in her life! Kellie xx

Pictures by Prue Ruscoe via Shannon Fricke. x

Rabu, 23 September 2009

Modern Bathroom Interior Design

Modern Bathroom Interior Design

Modern Bathroom Interior Design

One of those attactions...

I saw this fabulous editorial ages ago and i'm still very much drawn to it - fabulous hair and makeup with splashes of colour. Gorgeous. Kellie xx

Ps... Just a side note. Who else gets really irritated about people not returning calls when they say they will? It annoys me a lot!

Found here

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Modern Interior CPH Square

Modern Interior CPH Square

Modern Interior CPH Square

The complexities of white paint...

Someone recently found out that I painted our home white and the comment was made 'you need to be careful with white, it can make a home look like a hospital'... So i pondered...

For me, white means elegance and beauty. White in a home lends itself to so many looks and feels and dares you to use your imagination with introducing an array of colours, fabrics and textures. 

It made me think, can't any home look drab, cold and stale and it doesn't need white paint alone to achieve that outcome? 

Fabulous home with gorgeous white walls found here via the fabulous House of Turquoise

Minggu, 20 September 2009

Three out of six!

Three of my six gorgeous flower girls are visiting us from Toowoomba! They arrive very soon and Luke and I are both excited. Hope you enjoy a few of our wedding pictures as well and the pretty details brings some beauty into your Monday. Ps. Thank you to the fabulous Tim for allowing me to use the gorgeous pictures as well.

Shelton Mindle Modern Interior Design

Shelton Mindle MOdern Interior Design

Shelton Mindle Modern Interior Design

Painting is done!

The good news is, the painting of our home is finished. The bad news... Well, I am exhausted from it all. At least we are delighted with the result. Have a fabulous week. xx

Picture via Brabourne Farm.

Those signs are not good!

I am still thinking about this chair. I saw it here yesterday. That can't be a good sign for the bank balance!

Kellie xx

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Interior Design by Fernlund Logan Architect

Interior Design by Fernlund Logan Architect

Interior Design by Fernlund Logan Architect

5 hours...

I had to get up out of bed. And, I really didn't want to! I need more sleep than 5 hours. Perhaps if I was shopping for this fashion I may be a little more excited. Kellie xx

From here via here.

Jumat, 18 September 2009

Modern Retails Interior Design

Modern Retails Interior Design

Modern Retails Interior Design

Yes its true!

The gardens are starting to bloom. Hydrangeas are even showing signs of flowers. Spring is here.
Fabulous things to come including beautiful arrangements for inside our home. Kellie xx

Flowers from here. x

Kamis, 17 September 2009

In need of some fabulous art!

Love Anna's beautiful David Bromley art.Luke and I need a fabulous piece like this. On my to do list is to talk Luke around about that one.... Kellie. xx


Modern Home of Living Room Design

Modern Home of Living Room Design

Modern Home of Living Room Design

Four simple things....

Adoring the hair, the dresses, the soft sunlight and the fields of flowers. 
Simple concept, beautiful outcome.

Gorgeous pics from here. x


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