
Jumat, 30 April 2010

A thought provoking space

I'm passionate about interesting and thought provoking things in a home. The type of space where on first look, you think how fabulous, then on a second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth look you notice more and more. You learn more about the space, the tiny little details and the bits that surprise you. The kind of space that is never quite finished and has room for more and more. Kellie xx

Image from Are So Happy via La Boom. x

Kamis, 29 April 2010

Pink sweetness

Phew it's the weekend! And what a week I feel I have had (even though it was one day shorter than normal).

What are you doing this weekend? We have a fair bit planned including attending a friend's wedding but, still enough time to head to the flower markets, perhaps have some brunch, take our girls out to the park for a couple of plays and maybe a spot of shopping. Sounds pretty fine to me.

Here's to a delicious and sweet weekend! Kellie xx

Macaroons via the amazing Cannelle-Vanille , table setting via This is Glamourous x

Cushion + Frill = Prettiness!

Being a girly girl through and through, i was delighted to receive an email about these stunning cushions. To be honest, if something has a frill on it, i'm sold - cushion, top, skirt, shoes. You name it, i'll love it! These pretty french inspired cushions are from a lovely designer in Melbourne and I must say these little beauties are priced so well too. Sounds like a winner to me all round! Visit Michelle's Esty store Am0rDesigns here. Kellie xx

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Three different interiors, all magically stylish

Beautiful bright colours. Stylish designs.

Kellie xx

Adoring in picture 1: stunning green chairs and delightful pink blooms...
Adoring in picture 2: beautiful blue and white vases and relaxed, exotic feel...
Adoring in picture 3: divine print on that tablecloth & splashes of colour...

Interiors from Ray Brown, makeup via M.A.C

Vintage styling at it's pretty best!

What a fabulous vintage wedding. Just shows that with a imagination and a bit of styling something so simple can work so magically well.

And how divine is that table setting! What a great way to entertain friends during a pretty party.

I actually saw this last night on someone else's fabulous blog, unfortunately I lost the link to your blog - if it was you, please do let me know and i'd be delighted to link back to you! Kellie xx

Ps. Thank you to Sharon who reminded where I saw this gorgeous wedding! It was Green Wedding Shoes and Little Bits of Lovely. Ahhhh I can sleep better knowing that is all sorted. Thank you Sharon. xx

Images from Dana Grant Photography x

Selasa, 27 April 2010

A bright little nook

This is one of my favourite nooks in my home. I adore the pretty fabrics and that gorgeous pink on the side table. Coming home to a spot of colour always makes me happy!

My husband Luke had a facial last night, his first one too. I did have to laugh as he told me he was 'nervous' about going! I actually bought him a mens facial for Valentines Day as I personally adore them and he could never quite understand why. Now he does and loved it... I didn't tell him about the bit where they do 'extractions'... I didn't want to ruin the 'experience'! Kellie xx

Photo by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy x

More art from Mr Peter Breese

I always love looking at the fabulous Peter Breese's art. I mostly adore their effortless style and fashion flavour. Each oooze femininity and simplicity that is a testament to his blessed skill. Art like this is the type of thing I don't think you could teach someone, sure you could learn the basics and the technical aspects but that true ability comes from within.

Unfortunately I wasn't blessed with this kind of skills or any artistic skill with a paint brush that is. Still a girl can admire the skill of others like Peter Breese can't she!? Kellie xx

Peter Breese website & blog. x

Senin, 26 April 2010

Long weekend joy

For all my Australian readers did you have a lovely long weekend? My Monday was perfect! I delicious brunch, a beautiful sun filled day and a spot of shopping. Then I finished the day with tidying our bedroom. The thing with me is that it isn't messy on the outside, the mess and disorder is hidden in our drawers and wardrobe. I try so hard being tidy but it just doesn't last.

As crazy as it sounds, I adore cleaning our bedroom. I find clothing I haven't seen for a while, sometimes a voucher or two i misplaced and things like lip glosses that i put away somewhere and just forgot about. Still I love the feeling of everything being in order (even if it's just for a little while). Kellie xx

Images from Everything Fabulous and Tobi Fairley via House of Turquoise xx

A personal lesson...

If I had to pick my biggest fault, it would be my fear of failure. Not of disappointing myself, but disappointing others and what they'll think of me. Sometimes it gets the better of me but i'm working on it. Kellie xx

Image from Lake Illustration x

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Hedgehog Slice Recipe...

I made this delicious slice/dessert yesterday, not only was it so easy and quick, it's also fool proof (perfect for cooks like me). I have shared the recipe with you below...
  • 125g butter
  • 395g sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 5 sponge fingers cut into cubs (approx 1 cup)
  • 1/4 cup roughly cut almonds
  • 1/4 cup roughly cut cashews
  • Place butter, condensed milk and sugar in saucepan, stirring on low heat until it comes to the boil. Simmer for a further 3 minutes.
  • Add chocolate and stir until chocolate is melted and all ingredients are combined
  • Add sponge finger cubs and nuts, mix well.
  • Place into a baking paper lined tray.
  • Refrigerate for 1 hour then cut into bit sizes pieces.
And done! xx

Photo by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy x

DIY : Silk Flowers

I have always wondered how silk flowers are made, not being much of a sewer myself, they always seems absolutely unattainable. I was delighted what I came across this fabulous DIY which not only simplifies the process, but gives you an outcome that looks, well, shop worthy! These also would look stunning attached to a cushion or two! Kellie xx

DIY flower from Project Wedding x

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Simple styling

The perfect example of how simple things in life can work so beautifully! Loving those silver vessels, just like those ones my Mum gifted me a couple of weeks so that have been featuring in my home recently. Kellie xx

From Domino Mag. x

The beauty of blue and white...

What is it about blue and white? Such a beautiful colour combination and it compliments so many other colour palettes in a home. It's amazing how everyone is drawn to something different, I spot something blue and white a mile away!

My Mum, she is always drawn to all things neutral like beige, white and cream so you would think my taste would also extend that way too but clearly it doesn't! Kellie xx

Photos from Madison x

Pretty hair art!

I was delighted to see the new range from ban.do... As you can tell this range is full of the "more is more" approach which is right up my alley. I adore the mix of textures, use of feathers and oversized pieces yet still that femininity that oozes out of each of their range.

If I had to pick a favourite I think it would have to be that HUGE blue satin bow. I do love a bow or two and in that navy colour, it's just stunning.

Art for the hair I say! Kellie xx

Jumat, 23 April 2010

Hello little heart

How pretty. Love a wall of plates.

Hmmmm my heart beats as my husband has gone to get us yummy breakfast! x

Image via Mary Ruffle. x

A nice match

Loving this fabric. Considering it for a gorgeous white chippendale chair I will be ordering for my office.... xx

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Pretty weekend peonies...

A lovely reader, Gina, from Serbia emailed these gorgeous peonies to me. How thoughtful and aren't those peonies just divine!

Thank you sending in such a beautiful picture Gina!

We have a long weekend this week, so lots of fun things planned and things to do around our house. Perhaps even time for a gelato or two as well. Kellie xx

A different kind of table styling

Seems I have pretty table settings on my mind this week although this one is very different from a post I put together yesterday. How gorgeous is the table linen and the gorgeous plates. each different, each with their own character. Of course that darling chandelier just hanging there so sweetly works a treat as well. I'm quite drawn to the flower arrangement too, possibly not my normal style but stunning nonetheless. Kellie xx

Photographs from Tec Pataja x

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Two little darlings

I took this gorgeous photo on my phone last night. Poor quality photo, but two darlings in it so couldn't resist posting it to show you all. These girls are just perfection. Love them so much. Kellie xx

Darling table styling

What a stunning table setting. So elegant, rustic and ornate. I adore it's unfinished, easy look. Would fancy something like this for my home. Just for breakfast on a Saturday. Kellie xx

Images via Sarah Klassen x

Selasa, 20 April 2010

A gorgeous surprise

I received a gorgeous surprise at work! A absolutely beautiful bunch of flowers from my darling best friend Kate! Those roses are enormous and they smell magical! What a stunning colour combination - lavender and peach. Thank you Kate! xxxx

Images by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy x

Putting my finger on it...

I would love to hear what you think about this kitchen. I think I really do like it and I can't quite put my finger on why. I think it's the mix of styles all rolled into one lovely space. Perhaps its the flooring, perhaps it's the glorious white feel or perhaps it's the lovely outdoor space that glistens in the back ground. Not quite sure. I can imagine though it absolutely wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea even though it is a relatively simple design and look.

Like it or not really getting it? Kellie x

Image from Amy Neunsinger x

Senin, 19 April 2010

Neutral tones.

What a beautiful photograph. Don't they say a picture tells a thousand words.

Love everything here, so classically stylish.

And LOVE those flowers popping out of her bag. And those earthy tones. Something i'm starting to build into my wardrobe more and more xx

Image from Jak & Jil via Sarah Klassen x

All about the fabric...

What is it about luxurious textiles? They make my day. Every time. xx

First image from This is Glamourous, second image from Everything Fabulous. x

Minggu, 18 April 2010

A few pretty things...

Here are a few details of Nicole's gorgeous home and beautiful, beautful teacup collection.

I think this is where my love for them has come from. Whilst unfortunately I don't have as many little beauties decorating my home, I find that drinking tea in anything else but a teacup just doesn't taste the same.

What I particularily love about Nicole's collection is no two are the same, each has a different meaning and was collected at various times in Nicole's life. She also never uses the same teacup each day and rotates each of them so they all receive equa amounts of love.

Kellie xx

Photos by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy x


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