
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Simple combinations...

It's amazing how the simple thing grab us. I adore the details in this lovely wedding. The soft turquoise is so lovely with the white and soft pink. Also loving that silver vessel with the mismatched glass vases. Simple, effective and interesting styling. Always works so well. x

Images via Style Me Pretty x

A lamp-ish heaven!

I had a fun night last night playing with gorgeous, bright, glossy ceramic lamps! Too many to choose from a might add... row after row of them. In every colour and style you could think of. Lamp heaven you might call it! Some for the upcoming shop and some, well maybe a couple for me. Kellie xx

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

A new painting itch...

I have an itch. That itch is to paint our dining room table. Something bright and bold. Perhaps turquoise. I found this inspiration as examples of how gorgeous paint can look and how it can transform a piece of furniture. Now to convince the husband this would a fabulous thing for him to do for me... Wish me the best of luck! Kellie xx

Images via La Belle x

More tea, baking and family!

Seems I have tea and cakes on my mind this week. Must be because my delightful sister in law (and her wonderful husband and three gorgeous girls) are coming to visit this weekend. I have spoken about Nicole before who not only has a teacup collection of enormous proportions, she is also the queen of baking! Luckily she won't be seeing my disastrous macarons this weekend... Perhaps I need to make some fool proof cupcakes instead... Kellie xx

Image via Country Living x

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Garden party...

I thought this was a gorgeous image! Those large glass windows, the white furniture, the soft floral arrangements and the beautiful trees in the background. The perfect setting for a divine lunch... Kellie xx

Image via Tiny White Daisies, fashion from Net-a-Porter x



"I wanted to show that the loss of reality in the life of the city is the other side of the coin in the image of architecture"

Toyo Ito

Toyo Ito is, along with Tadao Ando , the most internationally recognized Japanese architect of our time. But, unlike Ando, whose work is based in the Japanese tradition, particularly in the use of light, and maintains a rational, geometric, massive vocabulary and style, Toyo Ito is not tied to any style, experimenting with metaphorical themes, transparent forms and electronic gadgets. Therefore, his works are closely related to another aspect of the culture in Japan, a country that in many respects, is the world's most technologically advanced.

Toyo Ito

Born in Korea (although Japanese descent) during Japan's occupation of that country (1941), and owner of a simple, affable personality, Toyo Ito recognizes the importance of Ki (気), the energy flow that runs in the architecture and all things.

"The spirit of Ki, while circulating in the cosmos as air, it condenses and solidifies to form the body of living beings. The body is made of liquids and solids, but is mainly gas. At the same time as the gas condenses and solidifies to form the body, the air that is inhaled into the body fills it. In this way the Ki sustains life. once inhaled the air is exhaled rapidly and there is no distinction between the self and the others.

Toshio Kuwako mentioned by Toyo Ito when he wrote "Tarzan in the forest of the media"

Hence Ito's architecture combines the wind flow with the flow of electrons and propose an architecture sensitive to the effects of the environment through the use of technology.

In this regard, two of his early experimental projects are the Egg and the Tower of the Winds, since it is light and almost ephemeral character, and its technological paraphernalia.


There used to be an old water tower and ventilation ducts in front of the the Yokohama bus station was, an anonymous, brutalist and made-of-concrete structure .

The Tower of the Winds is located in front of Yokohama Bus Terminal
With the idea of improving the first impression of visitors arriving to this city by bus, an architectural competition was organized.

The oval cylinder geometry of the Tower of the Winds is distinguished from the other volumes in the surroundings.
Photo courtesy of El Croquis.

Ito's proposal was to cover the tower with acrylic mirrors.A metallic oval-cylindrical structure, 21 m in height and 9 x 6 section was installed around the tower, lined with a perforated aluminum coating that reflects the sky during the day.

The tower is covered with a perforated aluminum plate. Photo C. Zeballos

I must say that my first impression was a bit disappointing, perhaps because I visited it on a cloudy afternoon and the tower did not seem to be anything special. However, the tower became much more attractive at night, when 1300 lamps in coordination with 12 rings offered a multicolor light show.

The same view at night . Photo C. Zeballos.

An electronic system recognizes the differences in wind speed and the sound waves in the noise around and translates them into light and color codes. For this reason, unlike a traditional arrangement of lights, this installation does not follow a predetermined program or routine, and offers an ever-changing spectacle of light and color.

Light Sequence of the Tower of the Winds. Photos courtesy of El Croquis
Floor plan of the Tower of the Winds. Image courtesy of El Croquis

The following concept video shows the components and operation of the tower


Ito proposed a kind of "Building of Tomorrow", an "video gallery oudoors." There are two versions of this, one in Brussels and the other in the Japanese suburb of River City 21 in Tokyo.
It is a structure of a oval geometry -a recurring form in their designs at the time, contrasting with right-angled parallelepiped volumes of its surrounding.

This capsule is attached to a wall, suspended from the floor by metal legs, and gives the impression of floating in the air, especially from a small public space located on the mezzanine.

Day and night view of the Egg of Winds. Photo C. Zeballos

Using a coating similar to that of the Tower of Winds, this 16 x 8 m ellipsoid is covered with a perforated aluminum plate below which liquid crystal screens displayed pictures and news.

Schemes Egg of Winds. Pictures courtesy of The Sketch.

While in operation, the effect is very interesting: the images appeared as if they were floating on a curved surface, almost like a hologram, very different from the effect of the giant screens hung on the facades of buildings.

Egg of winds. Photo courtesy of Philip Jodidio.

Initially conceived as a futuristic house, the Egg of Winds "is the object of the images that come with the wind and move with the wind."

Interesting formal contrast with the surrounding volumes. Photo C. Zeballos.

For Toyo Ito the wind and its meaning are very important, not only because his architecture, especially his urban sculptures are characterized by lightness and transparency, but because it interacts with the environment and the user, making him aware of energy that surrounds it.




Seen from the upper terrace, the ellipsoid gives the impression of being floating. Smaller than it looked in the photos, I was not lucky enough to find it working.


Being a tea lover, I have adored Katy Pott's range for a while now and was delighted to see she had added more teapot and teacups to her range! So, so gorgeous! And to make things even more exciting, she ships to Australia!

Have a gorgeous day, even if it is freezing cold in Sydney! Kellie xx

Images via Katy Potts x

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Cushion and two girls!

Whilst I adore cushions {as I am sure you all probably know by now}, I have always had someone else make them for me .. Until now! Mum and I went on a cushion making class on Friday, whilst I only had one teeny tiny incident with a zipper, I ended up with a pretty good product. Not sure how long those pretty little bobbles will last with Miss Molly but they look very sweet nonetheless. Lily quite likes it as well! Kellie xx

Photos by Kellie Collis for Ada and Darcy x

A baking (sort of) disaster!

Well... My baking of macarons (or macaroons - i can't seem to find consistent spelling) wasn't so successful. Whilst they tasted delicious, they looked, well, a bit like golf balls when they were joined together. Rookie error - thinking they would flatten out with the heat! Sadly, they just were too ah, ugly (and embarrassing) to show you all... There is always next weekend! Kellie xx

Image via Miss Wallflower x

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Plans for today

I'm excited about a spot of baking today - have a gorgeous Sunday everyone! Kellie xx

Image via This is Glamourous x

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

The magic of paper straws..

Aren't paper straws so lovely! My best friend Kate, adores paper straws... She thinks drinks taste better with them. I'd kind of have to agree as well. It's odd isn't it how the aesthetic of something can influence how much you enjoy something. Have a gorgeous weekend! Kellie xx

Images via Such Pretty Things x

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Wallpaper - bathroom style!

I have to say I love wallpaper in bathrooms! So vibrant and I just adore wallpaper in smaller spaces! Gorgeous! Have a fabulous weekend lovelies! Kellie xx

Bathrooms from Living Etc, Style Court, Room Envy x

Spending time outside

I'm very excited about spending a bit more time outside today. Perhaps and a good coffee or two. Kellie xx

Image via La belle x

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Flowers and an update ...

Doesn't get much better than this - stunning flowers with a magnificent vessel! I have had a few emails of late about my shop and where things are at. I'm currently having the website built and ordering gorgeous products from around the world. I will keep you all updated on it's progress. Kellie xx

image via Decor 8 x

A classical and beautiful interior...

What a darling interior - so classically beautiful but relaxed and effortless all at the same time. I do also quite like those soft blue walls with the white details, makes for a calming space as well. Kellie xx

Image via House of Turquoise. x

Beautiful interiors - in art!

What beautiful, colourful and fun art! Feeling like I have the flu coming on... These gorgeous colours have made me feel better all ready! Have a lovely evening everyone xx

Art from Shannspishak x

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Spring like styling!

Despite it being cold and in the middle of winter in Sydney, I cant help but gravitate to 'spring' like styling... Plus this gorgeous event made me extra happy as some of the gorgeous accessories here are featured in my shop! Kellie xx

Images via Style Me Pretty x


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