
Rabu, 02 November 2011


Versión en Español
"Inevitably, valuing a cultural landscape involves valuing the intangible as well as the tangible, the real as the magic, the popular as the courtly; in general, to dive into the enjoyment of life itself, rather than to have pleasure in its most enlightened and successful manifestations. "
Rubén Pesci.

Photo courtesy of Southamerica.art

The Colca Canyon is an impressive geological feature located in the department of Arequipa in southern Peru. With its 3250 meters, is two and a half times deeper than the Grand Canyon in the USA (1400 meters) and is the second deepest canyon in the world, only surpassed in depth by the Cotahuasi Canyon (3535 meters), also located in Arequipa. The condor, Andean bird whose wingspan is the longest planet, often flyes over the vast abyss, as a majestic spectator of this incredible landscape.

This extraordinary gorge houses diverse climates and ecological niches and has allowed the development of different species, which accounts for the conservationist Mauricio de Romaña (Romaña and Carlos Zeballos Barrios greatly encouraged the "rediscovery" of the Canyon, through studies and the publication of guidebooks).

Ancient cultures like the Collaguas have lived in the Colca Valley, transforming it into an impressive cultural landscape, sculpting the impossible slopes of the Andes with terraces and villages (as Carl Sauer defined in his "Morphology of Landscape" (1925), the cultural landscape is the interaction of one social group over a natural landscape. Culture is the agent, nature is the environment, the cultural landscape is the result.)

After the Spanish conquest the inhabitants of the Colca were grouped in "reducciones" to form villages that settled on both sides of the valley, establishing a spatial network and economic organization of the territory that has been studied by experts like Dr. Maria Rostworowski and the archaeologist Steve Wrenkle and CIARQ .

The churches of the Colca Valley are among the most important in South America, as host superb samples of colonial art. Ramon Gutierrez has published an interesting study of colonial architecture in the Colca and the AECI (Spanish International Cooperation Agency) has been implementing various projects of restoration and preservation in an interesting program which trains local people in the techniques for managing their own cultural heritage.


As a privileged spectator of this magnificent landscape, the Colca Lodge Hotel is located, designed by renowned Peruvian architect Álvaro Pastor.

Pastor was raised in Tucumán, Argentina and worked alongside his compatriot Henri Ciriani Paris. He has a prolific career which has been awarded nationally and internationally, including a first place in the academic competition for a Machu Picchu museum , undertaken along with architects G. Valdivia, E. Suarez, H. Perochena and R. Borda. He is a Proffessor at the Faculty of Architecture at the Catholic University of Arequipa.

Pastor owns a unique sensitivity for the material and place in which his projects are located, without losing the characteristic language of contemporary architecture. This respect for the locus has led him to desing the Colca Lodge hotel using construction methods of the inhabitants of the valley, such as stone, clay, mud bricks, wood and straw, without losing the delicacy in the detail and the warm comfort that this facility required.

The hotel is located between the villages of Coporaque and Ichupampa, settled on a small plateau in front of the Colca River, extending as an extension of the terraces that sculpt the hillsides, just as the did 1500 years ago.

The complex has taken as reference the local traditional architecture, and in fact the hotel resembles a small Andean village.

The heart of the Colca Lodge is the restaurant, a solid stone cube that overlaps another glass cube covered by a pyramid of straw.

In the opposite side is the a circular plaza, called the square of the moon, named after the old custom of observing the moon reflected in small ponds.

The rooms, by way of houses, are organized into two bars arising from this center, linked by the paved "streets". These volumes (one of them is semicircular) harmonize with the topography and surrounding terraces.

The cottages, which differ rhythmically in height, are separated from the public space by an entrance foyer. At the end of each volume there is a two-story module, corresponding to the suites.

The interior of the rooms expresses with supreme simplicity, the Andean vernacular architecture, but at the same time it offers a pleasant spatial arrangement.
As for the suites, Pastor proposes a social area located on the first level, consisting of a small lounge and kitchenette, with a expansion to a terrace and a private pool.

Thus, the architect favors the location of the bedroom on the second floor, offering guests a spectacular view of the valley.

The hotel takes advantage of the many hot springs located in the vicinity, product of volcanic activity in the area. However, they have been carefully designed not to interfere with the natural environment, as the architect used a system of canals similar to those that the Collaguas used in the past.

The design of the suites include private pools, ideal for enjoying the hot springs in the moonlight or at dawn, due to the thin, unpolluted air.

For the construction of this hotel Alvaro Pastor had the support of Berolatti Marcello , who is also a Peruvian architect who has been experimenting with traditional construction methods for several years.
The Colca Lodge redefines the syntax of and vernacular architectural re-composed in a contemporary and comfortable organization, humbly and masterfully integrating itself to the landscape.

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Renders de arquitectura por 90 grados Wallpapers

RENDERS A PARTIR DE CORQUIS por 90-Grados Renders.


Como amantes del croquis nos costó mucho ingresar en las nuevas tecnologías de visualización 3D.

Hace unos 8 años comenzamos a indagar en este nuevo campo. Primero con las herramientas 3d que proporcionaba Autocad, luego con 3DMax y Vray como motor de render.

renders de casas minimalistas

En estos principios los resultados no lograban competir con la fidelidad del croquis y seguiría siendo el medio elegido para mostrar al cliente nuestros proyectos de arquitectura.

casas de diseño 3d

A medida que fuimos adquiriendo experiencia y conocimientos de nuevas herramientas, como Photoshop y Magic Bullet en las post-producciones, el render fue sumando a su exactactitud el toque de expresividad que siempre tuvo el croquis.

render 3d studio
Hoy faltando todavía un largo camino por recorrer y mejorar nuestro producto, seguimos usando los beneficios del croquis como herramienta complementaria al proceso de diseño y composición del render.

render y arquitectura

Bedroom Idea That Combines Furniture

bedroom idea that combines

Bedroom Idea That Combines Furniture

Bedroom decorating ideas provide a restful and private retreat where you can feel totally at ease to unwind. After all, a bedroom is more than a place to sleep. It can be the most personal expression of you and create intimacy in the home.

Hours are spent doing those things we love like reading the Sunday paper on a lazy morning, curling up with a good book with a cup of tea, enjoying your morning coffee, catching up with a loved one, exercise, or to watch a little TV, make calls or write letters. But while a bedroom can accommodate all of these functions, don’t let it become a multi purpose room. Taking work into the bedroom is not a restful concept. If you need to place your home office in the master bedroom, be sure to arrange a way to conceal the area when you are not working.

Generally rooms of a home flow and conform to the main style of the house, but decorating a bedroom for relaxation can offer an opportunity to do something differently and out of the norm because it becomes your sanctuary. Some bedroom decorating ideas include introducing interesting and individual pieces of furniture normally belonging to other rooms like a curio, sofa table, bookcase or writing desk. Every bedroom design scheme should have more than adequate bedroom dresser drawer and storage space, lighting and bedside tables of the right height.

The use of bedside tables is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Choose the largest that you can accommodate so you have space for a lamp and some things you may consider essential, such as books, reading glasses, an alarm clock, a carafe of water and a telephone. Furniture at the foot of the bed, a chest, bench, or settee emphasizes the feeling of grandeur and is a convenient place to put the bedspread. (And all the extra pillows you pile on the bed as part of your bedroom decorating during the day but couldn’t possible sleep with). If you choose to have a TV or stereo in the bedroom choose a cabinetry to conceal it when possible. 

Senin, 19 September 2011

Las fachadas del Hotel Ohla

Las ventanas Unicity, común denominador en las fachadas del Hotel Ohla

El Hotel Ohla, obra del estudio de arquitectura Alonso & Balaguer, es en realidad el proyecto de la rehabilitación integral de un edificio situado en la Via Layetana de Barcelona, y la transformación de la antigua medianera, que quedó frente la calle Comptal como espacio residual, en una plaza. Dos fachadas que ofrecen puntos de vista distintos del hotel, resueltas ambas con ventanas Unicity de Technal.

proyecto de un hotel
El nuevo Hotel Ohla ocupa un edificio construido en los años 20 en Barcelona que, a lo largo de los años, ha ido sufriendo diversas modificaciones, tanto de usos como estructurales. La primera fue poco después de la finalización del edificio, que pasó a ocupar uno de los primeros grandes almacenes de la ciudad, Can Vilardell. Posteriormente, en los años 80, se trasladó la comisaría de policía de Barcelona, momento en el que el edificio sufrió más transformaciones, destruyendo gran parte de la estructura original de las primeras plantas, y abandonando las plantas superiores.

El proyecto de arquitectura realizado por Alonso & Balaguer logra redistribuir las plantas del edificio definiendo 72 habitaciones y una gran suite ubicada en la cúpula. En la planta baja, el altillo y el primer sótano se ubica la zona pública y servicios como un restaurante, mientras que el segundo sótano se destina a aparcamiento. Pero para los arquitectos la parte más intrigante del proyecto se encuentra en el diálogo que se establece entre las dos fachadas. Por un lado la existente, sobrecargada, de claro estilo francés, donde el proyecto de rehabilitación ha obligado a sustituir las carpinterías existentes por las ventanas Unicity de Technal. Y por el otro, la nueva fachada, oscura y sencilla, con el dibujo geométrico y ordenado de ventanas verticales Unicity de color antracita. Esta ventana practicable rememora por su estética las antiguas carpinterías de chapa de acero plegada con un perfil con mínima masa vista. A la vez, aporta una gran mejora el confort en el interior de las habitaciones del hotel, reduciendo el ruido exterior a 20 dB, y en un 55% las pérdidas térmicas con respecto a una ventana simple.

contrucción de un hotel

A este elemento común, se le une la fuerza expresiva que otorga la contribución del artista Frederic Amat con sus esculturas que decoran ambas fachadas del hotel como si se tratase de un ejercicio de acupuntura constructiva.

Ficha Técnica
Obra: Hotel Ohla.
Arquitecto: Alonso & Balaguer.
Emplazamiento: Barcelona.
Cliente: Cent Claus
Carpintería de aluminio: Technal.
Industrial: Garcia Faura (Red Aluminier Technal).
Soluciones empleadas: Unicity.
Fotografía: Wenzel.

Más información, 902 22 23 23 - www.technal.es - technal.es@hydro.com

Alzados y plantas del Hotel Ohla facilitados por Alonso & Balaguer Arquitectos.

planos de hotel
planos y alzados

Kamis, 15 September 2011



This small chapel located on Mount Rokko, near Kobe, completes the trilogy of Christian religious facilities  designed by Tadao Ando in the mid-eighties. While not enjoying the same fame as the Church on the Water or the Church of Light, the chapel at Mount Rokko becomes a synthesis of its predecessors and stresses the architect’s effort to establish a link between the religious space and  nature.


The chapel in Rokko is similar to its counterpart in Hokkaido, as it is a venue for the celebration of marriages and belongs to a hotel, unlike the Church of Light, which is devoted to preaching and prayer. While the design was made after her sisters, the construction of the chapel in Rokko (between 1985-1986) preceded the churches at Hokkaido and Ibaraki. Its location in Mount Rooko enjoys formidable views of the sea.


In this chapel Ando uses his usual vocabulary: simple geometry, the meticulously studied and delicate play of light and shadows, as well as the modulated exposed concrete surfaces that dialogue with the metal and glass. However, this chapel includes Western elements like the bell tower, which meets a  formal rather than utilitarian role, becoming a vertical counterpoint to a predominantly horizontal composition.

Unlike the Western church towers where the bell used to call parishioners to religious services and other events, in this case (as the guide told us) the bells are rarely played, to avoid disturbing customers of the hotel in which the chapel is located.

After passing through the lobby, we arrived to a garden, adorned with a small pond. The chapel is located in a lower level.

As in other of his churches, Ando avoids a direct and pompous access to the chapel. Instead, he uses a 40 meters long concrete arcade, covered by turquoise matte coated glass, upon which a steel and glass vault is located. This tunnel provides a processional access to the chapel, stressing the majesty of the wedding approach.

However, this tunnel view does not lead directly to the building or to a monumental access, since the chapel is located on one side of the circulation. The tunnel just frames nature, or in this case, the garden.

Next is a dark lobby defined by a curved wall that invites the visitor to enter the chapel by establishing a transition between darkness and light, the mundane space and sacral area.

Subsequently, the space is expanded to generate the main chapel, a cube of 6.5 m per side in which one wall has been replaced by a large window, using the structure to represent the theme of the cross.
Thus Ando achieves the virtual contact with nature, through a framed landscape view and a lavish display of light. The effect is reinforced by the contrast of the colorful garden and the solemn monochromatic room.

A different kind of light sharply illuminates the altar area through a thin, elongated slot located at the junction of the wall with the roof. This feature allows an ever-changing play of light on the rough concrete surface, whose appearance changes according to the time of day and the day of the year.

The same effect can be observed in the back of the church, where the architect uses sharp light to enhance the character of the walls as "free standing" compositional elements that virtually separate from the cube’s structure.

The furniture is also simple, as in other Ando churches, inviting the visitor to focus his attention in the main elements of the design, only this time he replaces wood by metal..

The vases in form of a inverted cone levitating on metal plates, the austere altar table and the long chairs back are some of the austere furnishings of the chapel (in contrast with the excessive interior decoration of the hotel)

Several kilometers away is the famous residential complex Rokko Housing .

Neatly dressed for the wedding but... wait... oops! it seems someone forgot the bouquet...


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