
Senin, 31 Januari 2011

More Pretties!

Had a lovely customer desperate for two large pink ginger jars and found them! Aren't they divine. She was delighted as well with the middle cushions I had made for her as well! Just the perfect combination. I couldn't resist ordering the other colour ginger jars as well for the boutique. Those other delightful cushions are some further new designs that have been added. Floral joy on a Tuesday. Also available are some extra large fuchsia stools in the new arrivals section although I think I might have to keep one of those for myself! Kellie xx

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Adore Magazine...

Adore Magazine is out! Front to back, the magazine is divine! And you can read about what I'm into right now. And I still haven't decided on which Bromley - down to my final two... Decisions, decisions! Kellie xx

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Spoiled puppies...

This picture of Lily makes me laugh. She always has this poor me look on her face but, don't be fooled. She is spoiled beyond belief! A lovely customer purchased a pouffe for her gorgeous puppy. Why you ask?! Just so the little darling could make it onto the bed of course! That made my week, I couldnt help but tell my husband and he said, see these dogs get treated better than me! Kind of true... Lily is doing a gorgeous job here ffthough modelling my favourite Pagoda cushion and a new pretty lemon cushion I had made.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone! Kellie xx

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Bathroom Glamour

What a beautiful and glamourous bathroom. Makes me feel very unhappy about ours which lacks some serious wow-ness compared to this stunning beauty. Loving those metallics used here and that chandelier is amazing! Of course though, if I had a bathroom like that, I'd have the fashion to match!? I can dream cant I!? xx

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Two perfect models...

I needed to take a few pictures on the weekend and managed to get this gorgeous shot of Lily and Molly. The perfect models! I think it had something to do with the fact they had a big swim at the beach on the weekend so were a little tired therefore were happy just to sit and have their picture taken.

Saturday morning I found those amazing and huge roses on the weekend, and, the colour of them hasnt been modified at all - they are the most brightest and boldest shade of yellow I have seen! And they were sold in a bunch of 25 - outrageous! Was very happy with my purchase.

Have a beautiful week everyone! Kellie xx

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Ada & Darcy Products meet Oprah!

How exciting - seeing Oprah with Ada & Darcy cushions last night! I had the wonderful opportunity of being asked by the talented (and super lovely) Sharnel from Sharnel Dollar Designs if she could use Ada & Darcy items in design project for the baby shower Oprah held for a lucky Australian mother. And didnt Sharnel do a fabulous job and made those cushions look extra delightful!

Also used were those fabulous Rubie Green lampshades and white lamp bases and Moroccan Pouffes. Just special!! It was also very nice as my Mum was just as excited as me!

Kellie xx

Ps. On a side note, im losing sleep over the beauty of that drink dispenser below and {here} from Sharnel's store. I really need one, I cant stop thinking about it!

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Peer pressure!

My darling friend has been hanging out for me to get these in the store after finding them a few months back. And, I have to admit, they are divine - great size, stunning fragrance and beautiful glass jar to top it all off. Nothing like a bit of peer pressure to make a gorgeous decision - bless my friends! See the range here.

Oh, and here is the sample one ive been burning away at home.

Kellie xx

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Fabric joy

These fabulous cushions that just arrived have made my week. Loving all the divine trims, beautiful colours and fabulous prints! So much fun! It's like Christmas every time a new set of designs come in. All available if you would like to see them individually: here. xx

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Roses today...

These are the remainder of my flower market purchases from the weekend. I do adore these Julia and David Austin roses, the smell is divine, and their frilliness and girliness is perfect. I do have to admit though, they barely last very long at all especially since it has been quite hot in Sydney the past few days. Doesn't matter, enjoying their beauty for a couple of days is fine! Kellie xx

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

An interesting arrangement...

It must have been my lucky day at the markets on Saturday morning - I was given 3 bunches of flowers for free. Perhaps its because they see me wandering around there every week and wonder why on earth I dont just sleep in on a Saturday and feel sorry for me!

This week i took home some darling dahlias, hydrangeas, Julia roses and some David Austins (i'll show you those tomorrow). I quite like this arrangement below of the dahlias and hydrangeas -an interesting mix, one quite edgy and the other very rustic but i works so well and the colours are delightful together. Very unexpectedly beautiful, but like most things, it's always best this way... Kellie xx

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

What's New?!

Lovely new decorative Chinese brushes have been added to the store. Thank you to everyone who emailed about them when I showed the images of my new darling pink hall stand! kellie

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011


A big thank you to Sarah and Natalie from Real Living Magazine for selecting one of our delightful Moroccan Pouffe's in their February issue! And thanks to my darling friend Leah for spotting it first and letting me know.

And, also, in this month's Shop Til You Drop, Sara has used our lovely milk bottles and one of my favourite ginger jars in the shoot - they have come up so beautifully and has given me inspiration for an arrangement for the weekend. Luke will be so pleased to know he will be my assistant at the flower markets this weekend - bless him!

Kellie xx

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Pink Hallway Love!

I found this stand at my favourite vintage furniture store and decided on gorgeous pink for our hallway. Apologies for the poor shots - bad light this morning and the tight little nook its in has made it a little difficult! Loving the colour and so pleased with its gorgeousness! You can see the before shots below... Kellie x

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Banana and Maple Syrup Pudding Recipe

Over the weekend I made a delicious dessert for Luke and myself - Banana and Maple Syrup Puddings.

Topped with thickened cream, icing sugar (I didnt have a sifter so excuse the chunky bit!) and extra maple syrup, I could have eaten 5 - I can't wait to make them again! This super easy recipe is below, these worked out perfectly and being the pretty average cook I am, this is definitely the type of recipe you can try first go even with guests coming. Enjoy! Kellie xx

Banana and Maple Syrup Pudding Recipe:

2 tablespoons of fine caster sugar
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
1 egg
50g butter
2/3 mashed banana
1/2 cup of self raising flour
Icing sugar
Thickened cream

Turn fan forced oven to 180 degrees. Mix sugar, maple syrup, egg, butter, banana and flour until combined. Place mixture into 2 x 250ml oven dishes. Bake for approx 25-30 mins (or until golden and skewer comes out clean).

Serve warm with sprinkled icing sugar, thickened cream and additional maple syrup.

Recipe source: Donna Hay.

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Restful Weekend

Little Lily's getting some rest before we head to the beach again on Saturday - fingers crossed for some warm weather! Not a whole lot planned this weekend which is wonderful, just time to be spent pottering around and perhaps a nice lunch or dinner. Looking forward to it. Have a gorgeous weekend everyone. Kellie xx

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Some new seating...

I've decided I need some serious furniture changes in our home. Next to source will be a gorgeous french settee for our home. I just love this fabric below and finally, I will have a big enough item to use it on! Phew! And double phew, my father has an upholstery business to make my vision come alive although, I'm not sure he will be so excited - he never quite understands my fabric choices and always jokes and says, if a client asked for this, I would refuse. It always makes me laugh. He saw my favourite pink zebra cushions that are also a favourite with my lovely customers he couldn't believe his eyes. Bit of the old school type he is - we have very different tastes! Kellie xx

Source: Annechovie x

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

The pink treatment

What a fabulous shade of pink! I have a console coming to our home that I would love to give it this "pink" treatment - too fabulous for words I say!

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Something sweet

I made this yummy, but not so pretty chocolate caramels. Just mix in the following in a sauce pan until it turns golden - 125g butter, 2 tablespoons golden syrup, 3/4 cup brown sugar and 1 tin condensed milk. Pour into a linen pan, then when cold top with melted chocolate. Delicious!! Kellie xx

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

The magic of textiles...

So much beautiful fabric in one room. That pink is delightful with those florals, its amazing how stunning textiles can lift a room! Kellie x


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