
Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

Reverting back to my old ways....

I found some fun, lovely, pretty photographs for you tonight.  

I had one of those days today. Those days where stress levels rise, things go wrong and there isn't much that you can do. It sounds like a dreadful day, it wasn't that bad, just had a panic when my computer decided to play up just before a deadline and i could see the time ticking away! 

I suppose I am a bit of a perfectionist, and i like things to go as they should (or i think they should). Sometimes i wish i was one those fabulous people that just go with the flow, take things as they come and embrace the "things will work out in the end" approach.... I try, but when it comes to the crunch i revert back to my own ways... Is there anything you try not to do but just can't help it???

Kellie x

These colourful pics from these talented people. x

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