
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

The growing (but fun) to do list...

Seems I have more things added to my to do list! 

1. Friday I am finally off to source the wallpaper for our bedroom and living space, something lovely and fresh for our room and something bold and fabulous in our living room I think (much to my mother in law's dismay - we are polar opposites, she loves everything to match and I love everything to be different)! 

2. Ah that outdoor furniture. I checked with the supplier and the lounge and chairs are coming either this week or next. I really must find some fabric on Friday to make some gorgeous cushions, some large ones as well to laze around on the deck too. Then i need to find a gorgeous vintage tea set, something that we can bring inside and out that people won't be too scared of breaking and will look divine with peonies in the coming months...

3. More white paint required! I found a lovely little console on ebay. Its not my choice of colour but as you know I do love my white paint so once it arrives it will be given a lovely little freshen up! I will absolutely show you before and after shots!

So much to do but it helps when its things you love doing.... Not like that vacuuming or ironing!!! Kellie x

here and here. x

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