
Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Clean before a break?

My best friend Kate and I had this conversation the other day. For me, before the weekend, I have to clean and re-organise my house. Why? Because I cannot relax knowing that it isn't all sorted. Perhaps cleaning and tidying up means I am letting go of the previous week's work. So tonight you can guarantee i'll be vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing....

For Kate though, she couldn't think of anything worse after a week of work, coming home on a Friday (or for this weekend, a Thursday) and spend the night cleaning. She spends it relaxing and worrying about dusting another day. That night is all about Kate and her partner and spending it just how she pleases.

I kind of wish I could do that but I know i'd try it and be annoyed by every bit of fluff i saw!

Pedantic!? Possibly! Anyone else like me? Kellie x

Photo by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy

Kellie's all set...

Lovlies, four fabulous days off as of tomorrow. Is it bad if my head is already there? Nope, didn't think so. And I'm even more relaxed knowing that all my easter egg shopping is finished, done, sorted! I even impressed myself this year. So no last minute shopping trying to find a non-broken chocolate bunny! Enjoy your Thursday! Kellie

From my favourite Dustjacket Attic.

Dinner by candlelight, day forgotten

What a day!
A relaxing candlelight dinner with my favourite moscato to make things all seem like a blur... My lovely husband arranged that for me! Thank goodness for Luke x

Smart Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Smart Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Smart Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Smart Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Smart Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Smart Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

A ballet inspired lighting

I saw this room over at Made by Girl. Bet you can guess what i first noticed and loved - that tulle around the light! At least it looks like ballet tulle to me!

Then i noticed that stunning fabric on the seating and those pretty, pretty cushions just sitting there looking so loved and comfortable.

I thought about trying this tulle idea myself. Then i realised this may cause potential fire issues if it was to overheat. Hmmm... Possibly one time Luke might not run with my big ideas... Kellie x

Image from Hus & Hem via Made by Girl x

The black folder makes a comeback!

See, this is the perfect example that black standard folders can look pretty damn stylish with the right decor around them (see second picture)! What a fabulous office space though. Surely only the most creative of ideas would come out of here!
My little office space is the next room in our house to be given some TLC. I haven't quite decided exactly what I would like to do so i'm on the hunt for some serious inspiration. Kellie xx

Image from Lonny x

Master Elegant Modern Bedroom Interior Design Idea

Master Elegant Modern Bedroom Interior Design Idea

Master Elegant Modern Bedroom Interior Design Idea

Master Elegant Modern Bedroom Interior Design Idea

Master Elegant Modern Bedroom Interior Design Idea

Master Elegant Modern Bedroom Interior Design Idea

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

DIY - The perfect flower arrangement!

Here is a beautiful and step by step 'how to' in creating a divine flower arrangement. How lovely with this beauty be, sitting by my bedside table so I can wake up to it each morning. Kellie x

From here. x

A Schmooks wall kind of idea

I spotted these designs on the weekend at the Handmade Market. Aren't they fabulous. Imagine these babies framed up in something white and glossy, clustered on a wall. Divine. And incredibly affordable. For my lovely international readers as well as my local ones, you don't need to attend the market just to see them... They are also available at the Schmooks Esty store. xx

Modern White Living Room Interior Design Idea

Modern White Living Room Interior Design Idea

Modern White Living Room Interior Design Idea

Modern White Living Room Interior Design Idea

Modern White Living Room Interior Design Idea

Modern White Living Room Interior Design Idea

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Handmade Market visit...

I had the pleasure of attending the Handmade Market at Canberra on Sunday.

Jules did an amazing job at organising the event which wasn't just in a gorgeous location, the selection of individuals showcasing their creations was fabulous. I have been to lots and lots of markets full of average quality and not so individual designs however this was full of beautiful, beautiful things and wonderful ideas.

Here are two cushions that I picked up for an absolute bargain I might add. I'll show you some of the other wonderful things I spotted over the coming days.

The next market is Saturday, June 5th 2010. I'll be heading there again, if you have a spare weekend, please make the trip! And if you want an insight into the type of designs that were on show, head over here. Kellie x

Green tea and chocolate - what a mix!

I adore green tea - any kind, and since I have started to drink it more and more every day. I actually have quite a collection that I rotate daily just to keep things interesting. Perhaps because i'm no longer having caffeine I do adore my chocolate. Just a little so I don't ruin the goodness of the tea but still, it's a magic combination - day and night!

These are just about the last two hydrangeas in my garden. Things are starting to get cooler in Sydney and my darling flowers are starting to hide away. I'm not sure how I can manage to get mauve and pink on the one flower. It's pretty nonetheless!

Have a great week! Kellie xx

Photo by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy x

Modern White Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Modern White Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Modern White Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Modern White Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Modern White Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Modern White Kitchen Interior Design Idea

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

A little road trip for two!

Luke and I are off on a fabulous road trip to visit the Handmade Markets in Canberra today. I hope to show you some pictures from the day and anything lovely I find in my travels! Kellie xx

Image from here. x

Small Kitchen Interior Idea

Small Kitchen Interior Idea

Small Kitchen Interior Idea

Small Kitchen Interior Idea

Small Kitchen Interior Idea

Small Kitchen Interior Idea

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Vimeco Living Room Interior Design Idea

Vimeco Living Room Interior Design Idea

Vimeco Living Room Interior Design Idea

Vimeco Living Room Interior Design Idea

Vimeco Living Room Interior Design Idea

Vimeco Living Room Interior Design Idea

A memorable, beautiful room...

I saw this stunning interior over at Oliveaux! And, I just couldn't stop thinking about it... Those pink chairs are just magic. Have a lovely Saturday! Kellie xx

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Weekend Project

I found some beautiful old antique chairs at Mum's place, stored away waiting to be loved. All they need is a bit of paint, some new fabric and they will be back to their glamourous old selves. Hopefully this Sunday I can set aside some time to bringing them back to life. Kellie xx

From here x

Modern Bedroom Interior Master Design Idea

Modern Bedroom Interior Master Design Idea

Modern Bedroom Interior Master Design Idea

Modern Bedroom Interior Master Design Idea

Modern Bedroom Interior Master Design Idea

Modern Bedroom Interior Master Design Idea

A different kind of bedroom today...

Since i'm not bounding out of bed like yesterday's post (hence the colourful bedroom), today i'm feeling much more lethargic and thought this bedroom was much more fitting. What do you think about his beautiful bed linen, I am considering this for my shop. Finally I can start focusing on getting that together and pushing some other things aside. Kellie xx

Luxury Living Room Furniture

Quality living room furniture is not as easy as it seems. Only having more bucks in your pocket doesn't mean that you can go on furniture shopping without having to worry about what to look for. Luxury and modular living room furniture available in the markets are best suited for elegant, classic, formal and stylish living rooms. They are expensive but they are also there to make a statement.

luxury living room furniture
luxury living room furniture

Living room furniture is the first impression that your guests will get about your home in general and you will naturally want to make it a powerful one.Luxury House
House Design
Bedroom Designs
Search well on Internet, home Decor and furniture stores and specialty stores before ordering beautiful furniture of premium quality that offers value for money.

luxury home decor
luxury home decor

You may be looking for practical, space-saving living room furniture with hidden storage options that come in handy to keep the living room look clean and tidy or you may prefer to buy comfortable furniture pieces with good aesthetics in particular styles. Luxury Apartment
Contemporary Kitchen
Interior Decoration
There are stylish and luxurious living room suites to choose from. You may want to add a tall grandfather clock to give a royal old-world look to your living room or even funky accent furniture pieces to make your ease the elite look of your living room and add some fun to it. Modular living furniture not only has matching sofas, tables and chairs along with a cabinet or two, it is also more functional and practical when it comes to offer modern comforts.

stylish living room furniture
stylish living room furniture

You can add facilities and amenities to the normal furniture in drawers that can be dragged open and then pushed back to hide them. Luxury living room furniture often finds its way to large and spacious living rooms that can accommodate delicate looking French cabinets easily that offers more storage space. Their elaborate details and gentle curves add elegance to the living space.Luxury Homes
House Creative Design
Furniture Chair
You may also add beautiful and classic vases, lamps and clocks to the corner tables or light up decorative candles for serene looking zen living rooms. Use your walls space to add a large Venetian mirror that doubles up the richness of your living room furniture in an instant with its intricately carved frame. You may use beautiful screens to partition too large living rooms into two parts and use one of it as a dining room. Dining room sets these days come in expensive artistic designs that will make your guests admire them.

beautiful and luxury living room ideas
beautiful and luxury living room ideas

Use the beautiful balcony space extending from your living room by putting some potted flowering plants there. It will provide beautiful views from your window. If there is enough space, make use of it to make a tea and breakfast area there to sit with your family in the mornings. If you love tropical beaches or wish to live on a Caribbean island, you can actually add a small Zen garden to your tabletop in the middle of your living room. Luxury Beds With Traditional Design
Contemporary Italian Beds by Fimes
Contemporary Leather Round Beds by Prealpi
The tray painted in a bright primary color has some indoor plants and shells to replace the rocks to make your very own beach to help you calm and relax while you read. Since living rooms are also leisure and entertainment areas for most households, a big television and entertainment unit and perhaps a plasma television and its stand is a fundamental part of luxury living room furniture today.

luxury living room design
luxury living room design

A fireplace with a mantle, collectibles and artwork on display on shelves and modular cabinets and a bookshelf to show of your favorite collection of books is a part of premium and luxury living room furniture, you won't want to miss. You may divide your spacious living room in separate smaller living areas subtly using different lighting arrangements, flooring such as area rugs and carpets, and perhaps sofas and seats with low backs. You may hide your television, stereo and other high-tech gadgets in decorative cabinets and pull-through drawers, specially designed cupboards and mobile furniture with wheels. Luxury House with a Modern Contemporary Interior
Luxury Contemporary House Design
Modern House Design
You may use traditional three seater sofas, loveseats and couches, sectional sofas and even modular corner sofas that are best for rooms with awkward angles. You may also use sofa beds that can be used by occasional guests and match your chairs. Beanbags, foot stools and floor cushions are some other ideas for low seating arrangements.

modern and luxury living room interior design
modern and luxury living room interior design

Fabric On Walls

A simple and easy way to get rid of barren old walls in your dorm room is to cover them up. However, wallpaper can be quite expensive, so we will use fabric from discount stores and clearance sales instead. Putting fabric on walls is much like wallpapering them though fabric is easier to remove and remains reusable. The fabric can be chosen according to your budget and taste. Interior Design
Modern Furniture Design
Modern Furniture
You may decide to cover the entire wall area, a border trim, half a wall, decorative frame for your notice board or even make your own wall mural using colorful pieces of fabric. While leaving the room at the end of the year, you can always remove the fabric, wash it well and reuse it for other purposes. Here are the methods to put and remove fabric on walls of your dormitory:

fabric on walls ideas
fabric on walls ideas

Things You Will Need:

* A pair of good Scissors
* Clean sponge or paint rollerCool Kids Bathroom Design – Wckids by Sanindusa
Alux – Black Bedroom Furniture from Elite
Contemporary Bedroom Layouts

* Fabric (a couple of inches more than the area you want to cover)
* Spray Starch Stiffener

fabric on walls design
fabric on walls design

Instructions To Apply:

* Wash the wall to remove any dirt or film.
* Measure the wall from floor to ceiling or the area you want to cover and buy fabric a couple of inches more than your measurement.Modern Pure White Kitchen Cabinets and Accessories...
New Modern Expandable Dining Tables from Hülsta

* Lightweight fabrics such as polished cottons, ginghams and chintzes are the easiest one to apply.

fabric on walls tips
fabric on walls tips

* Cut the fabric carefully, making sure to match the pattern and design while cutting the next panel.
Luxury Beds With Traditional Design
Contemporary Italian Beds by Fimes
Contemporary Leather Round Beds by Prealpi

* Mask edges of ceiling and floor to avoid any over spray in these areas.
* Spray starch stiffener on the top half of the wall.

unique fabric on walls
unique fabric on walls

* Smooth fabric into place with the help of the paint roller or sponge.
* Keep it in place temporarily using push pins until you are finished and leave about one inch that can be trimmed later.
* Keep spraying starch on the wall as needed until you finish to the floor level and leave fabric overlapping at floor by at least one inch.Apartment Interior Design that Combines Black and
Apartment White Walls
Apartment Design
Remove any wrinkles on the fabric by applying more starch to the top of the fabric and smoothing it out.
* Repeat with next panel, coordinating it well with the first panel.

fabric on walls ideas and design
fabric on walls ideas and design

* Leave one inch of overlapping at all edges such as windows, door, ceilings and floor.
* When fabric dries completely, cut out all the overlaps. This allows for shrinkage in the fabric before trimming.Modern Apartment
Apartment Interior Design
Open Plan Studio Apartment

* Fabric overlap should be cut when the fabric is completely dry. It will then cut clean and easily and any shrinkage will have occurred before you trim.

fabric on walls decoration
fabric on walls decoration

Instructions To Remove:

* Dampen the fabric using a wet sponge.
* Peel one corner loose and then keep peeling off the fabric gently, panel by panel, while dampening it as needed.Apartment Interior Desig
Classic Traditional Family Home
House Design

* Fabric should come out easily.
* Now, wash it thoroughly and hang it out to dry for reusing it in another craft projects.

modern fabric ideas and designs
modern fabric ideas and designs

Cozy Home Decor

What is the most important aspect of a home? Well, if you think it's the size, its time to look ahead. The most significant thing of a home is how comfortable it is. Well, if you agree, you would also realize that its time to start eyeing to make your home one. To create a comfortable and cozy home, all you need to do is give wings to your creativity and imagination, with a dash of common sense.

cozy home decor
cozy home decor

Warm colors, inviting furniture, subtle decoration and textured draperies goes a long way deciphering the cozy formula of the home. home interior
Luxury Hotels
Apartment Design
By arranging each factor mentioned above in the right style, you can give a complete makeover by changing the mood, look, personality, character and overall environment of a room.

cozy home interior style
cozy home interior style

Cozy Home Decoration Ideas

* The first thing that comes to mind, when we think of cozy home decoration is the color scheme of the rooms. The most ideal option would be to choose a warm yellow, muted red, or terra-cotta paint color. Another option would be to keep the existing paint intact and just accentuate one of the walls of the room.
* Make use of variety of textures. Soft and fluffy pillows, cushions and throw blankets make the room look cozier, as you can snuggle in them and feel at bliss. Interior Design Home
Contemporary House With
Houses in Lake
While baskets and hardbound books arranged neatly in book cases, make the room look more sophisticated and ethnic, black chrome armchairs, metallic round chairs, modern irregular-shaped tables and large mirrors make the room look too formal.

cozy home ideas and tips
cozy home ideas and tips

* Remember, when it comes to choosing the color for creating a cozy room dark warm-toned colors suit the best. Both walls and furnishings, in warm tones, make the room pleasant and inviting.Luxury Hotels Design
Style House
Luxury Hotels

* Sleek furniture, though occupies less space, make the room look quite formal. Instead, go for textured furniture if you want to create a cozy atmosphere. Do not go for traditional heavy wooden ones.

cozy furniture ideas
cozy furniture ideas

* Throw rugs add instant warmth to the room and are great for those, who have their house on rent.
* Fluorescent and halogen lights look harsh and are too bright for coziness and warmth in the room. Use soft incandescent lights instead. Floating Home Design
The Beautiful House In Caribbean
Contemporary House Design
Candles serve best for the purpose. Place various shapes, sizes and colors of candles on tables, mantels, or coffee tables. Candles when placed in front of mirrors bounces light, filling the room with a nice warming effect.

cozy home room
cozy home room

* To add drama to the lighting effect, infuse down lighting and up-lighting in the rooms. While in the former case you can go for lamp shades that diffuse the light down wards, the latter is mostly concerned with attracting the attention to the family photos and portraits on the walls, by installing a light above them.Home Interior Decorating
Contemporary Kitchen Designs, Interior
Small Bathroom Design
* Re-arranging the furniture to the focal point of the room would go a long way in emphasizing the 'cozy' factor. Move furniture closer to the fireplace area or near a window that gets lots of sunlight - a perfect place to snuggle around!!

modern cozy home decor
modern cozy home decor


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