
Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Handmade Market visit...

I had the pleasure of attending the Handmade Market at Canberra on Sunday.

Jules did an amazing job at organising the event which wasn't just in a gorgeous location, the selection of individuals showcasing their creations was fabulous. I have been to lots and lots of markets full of average quality and not so individual designs however this was full of beautiful, beautiful things and wonderful ideas.

Here are two cushions that I picked up for an absolute bargain I might add. I'll show you some of the other wonderful things I spotted over the coming days.

The next market is Saturday, June 5th 2010. I'll be heading there again, if you have a spare weekend, please make the trip! And if you want an insight into the type of designs that were on show, head over here. Kellie x

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