
Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Sunday thoughts...

I do quite like the colour palette here... I'd love to hear about what you think of that bedroom space... One part of me loves it.... The other part of me is undecided, it's funny how you can feel like that isn't it!? I quite like the wallpaper though!

And, how beautiful are those flowers... I do have a garden that is very much spring and summer orientated, right now it looks bleak and boring... I cannot wait for spring to come! Hopefully my sweet peas will start blooming soon to give a bit of colour back into my lifeless garden.

I did have to laugh about my post yesterday with a couple of comments about me posting black! Twice in a week... Who would have thought!?

Have a gorgeous Sunday everyone. Im relaxing at home pottering around whilst my husband is running the annual City to Surf fun run! Kellie xx

Interior via House to Home and flowers from Everything Fabulous x

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