
Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Instant Noodle

Era of progress made everything must be done quickly. No exception in preparing a meal to eat. Many of us have incredible busy, to not have time to eat, preferring to eat instant foods like instant noodles or frozen cooked food. But did you know that the consumption of instant food that you have a hazard to your health?
Instant noodles are very often we eat, are very visible, of course, tasty and quick to serve and the price is not expensive. But try deh you see explanation below before you buy instant noodles to stock your food. Instant noodles is very rich in carbohydrates, but the levels of vitamins and minerals and fiber are very low. Dry form is also a result of frying that makes it rich in trans fat that can cause coronary heart disease because trans fat can contribute to increased cholesterol LDL (bad cholesterol). In addition, for those of you who like to eat instant noodle soup, did you know that these foods contain more MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) and sodium that is not good for your kesehata? Anything else is ready to eat instant noodles are usually brewed in styrofoam packaging. Hazardous substances contained in packaging can migrate easily to food because of high temperatures.

Many issues surrounding the milling of instant food that makes the heart no peace. For example, about the candle which he attached to the noodles, or about how treatment should be fit for safe consumption. Follow the explanations Prof. Dr. F.G. Winarno, Chairman of the Board of Experts PIPIMM (Product Information Center for Food and Beverage Industry) about the instant noodle. 

In the process of manufacture, instant noodles that have a very long form folded, fried, and dried in a hot oven. nah noodles in the frying process this will contain fat. Instant noodle is the raw material is starch, but in the manufacturing process are also added to vegetable oil, salt, sodium polyphosphate (emulsifiers, stabilizer and thickener), sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate (both acidity regulator), tartrazine (yellow coloring). Sometimes mixed with guar gum sodium polyphosphate. Other ingredients such as caramel, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, ribotide, iron and malic acid whose function is unclear. In addition to vegetable oils, there is also a food additive, namely that the chemicals added to food processing, with the aim that these foods have certain qualities. Seasonings noodles, for example salt, sugar, red chilies, garlic, onion, tomato sauce, soy sauce, MSG (MSG) and taste ingredients (chicken flavor, flavor of shrimp, beef flavor) is also much use of additives. Not to mention stirofoam in the noodle cup, which is suspected to cause cancer. for pregnant women, health risks result from the additive may not be directly visible, but by Arlene Eisenberg, in the book What to Eat When You're Expecting, pregnant women should avoid foods that contain lots of additives. For toddlers, the materials that actually do not need this body of work can also slow down the digestive organs. The other main content of the noodles are carbohydrates and there are flour protein (gluten), and fats, both from his own noodles and vegetable oil in a sachet. When viewed nutritional composition, noodles are high in calories, but less important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.

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