
Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

A bit like Primal Fear...

Can you believe this. My Molly, the cute, black and white demure one in the pictures here, I feel, has a split personality. I likened her today to Ed Norton in Primal Fear (except she isn't a killer of course). She is however absolutely wild at home, running, playing, jumping, eating Lily's ears and tail whenever she gets the chance, oh and takes food out of poor Lily's mouth.

Then, last night we take her to her first puppy preschool class. She hid in the corner and at one stage tried to climb into my handbag to hide! What happened to the devil? They thought she was timid, shy and she barely touched the food they offered her. A fussy eater they thought. I couldn't believe it! Neither could Luke!

Then, we bought her home. She saw Lily and ran straight for those gorgeous big ears to latch on for a ride... Need I say more!? Kellie xx

Ps. She is still very adorable and we absolutely love her none the less. Lily does too. You could tell they missed each other after the class when I bought them back home together. x

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