
Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Two little darlings...

I thought I would give you a quick update on how the girls are going.

Firstly, excuse Lily and her haircut, Luke took her to the doggy day spa on the weekend and requested 1 cm all over (ears and head included). I thought she was getting a trim on her body to stay cool, imagine my surprise when she came home looking like a grey hound!! Look at her poor ears - all that gorgeous hair is gone! I told Luke under no circumstances when we have children is he taking them for a hair cut, I can imagine our daughter, who wanted a trim of her long locks and coming back with a number one all over just like Lily!

Little Molly is going well too, she wasn't lucky enough to have a haircut on the weekend so is still looking like a cavalier. She is fully of personality. She isn't quite old enough to climb down from a chair etc, if we leave her and she thinks we have forgotten to get her down, she absolutely lets us know with one bark as if to say, "hey guys, what about me!?". Very sweet. Kellie xx

Photos by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy

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